Project Details

Release history

Version 0.1

Initial release of the library.

Version 0.2

  • Support percentages when appropriate (for example for GradientStop definitions)
  • Support some RadialGradient definitions
  • Allow to specify default SnapshotParameters in the SVGImage
  • Use a class to specify the parameters for the SVG loading
  • Fix the layout position of scaled images
  • Fix an exception which could appear after a rotation

Version 0.3

  • Protect against unparsable transforms
  • Accept the "-" character for the minus sign
  • Fix the library not allowing to use several times the same clip
  • Fix the library not parsing direct "clip-path" elements (only parsed those defined within style values)
  • Fix some style values not properly parsed
  • Fix the stroke of shapes which was incorrectly assigned as a fill
  • Allow to call the loader outside of the JavaFX Platform Thread

Version 0.3.1

  • Correctly wrap all exceptions during parsing by a SVGParsingException
  • Add Unit Tests
  • Support the cm length unit

Version 0.3.2

  • Fix the position of text and image elements
  • Support the mm and % length unit
  • Parse the SVG viewport width and height
  • Fix some cases where lengths where incorrectly parsed
  • Add a maven pom

Version 0.4

  • Parse the viewBox element
  • Support stroke-dasharray and stroke-dashoffset
  • Support the style node
  • Avoid throwing an exception if the svg document contains a DTD with reference to an external http source, on a platform which has no internet access
  • Support the filter element
  • Propagate style attributes from parent nodes to child nodes

Version 0.5

  • Fix the parsing of the viewBox element for the width and height
  • Support the filter element for the feSpecularLighting and feDiffuseLighting filters. Note that the result is still incorrect in many cases
  • Support the feDistantLight, fePointLight, and feSpotLight elements
  • Fix most stylings not correctly applied on non Shape elements
  • Fix the xlink:href attribute not taken into account for image elements
  • Fix the "none" value for the stroke-dasharray throwing an exception

Version 0.5.1

  • Support the "font-style" and "font-weight" attributes for text (also supported in style)
  • Fix the computing of font size when an unit is provided
  • Support the Font characteristics in the style node
  • Support the "oblique" value for the font-style property
  • Fix some styles in the style element which were not correctly parsed
  • Support the "fill-opacity" attribute
  • Support the "text-decoration" attribute
  • Support the "baseline-shift" attribute for tspan elements
  • Support the "rx" and "ry" attributes for rect elements
  • Fix the tspan elements not using the styles from their text parent
  • Fix the tspan elements not correctly positioned if not having a declared position in the SVG document
  • Support percents for the "opacity" and "fill-opacity" attributes
  • Fix the radial gradients
  • Support the spreadMethod argument for gradients
  • Allow urls specifications enclosed with "'" quotes
  • Fix the "clip-path" attribute or style not taken into account for nodes
  • Support text, line, polygon and polyline in the clipPath element
  • Support the fill-rule property for paths
  • Add a SVG browser

Version 0.5.2

  • Fix the SVG browser not included in the distribution

Version 0.5.3

  • Add a snapshot method in the SVGImage to simplify the process of writing the content of the result on disk

Version 0.5.4

  • Make sure that the snapshot generation class does not emit an exception before the actual generation if Swing is not available
  • Allow to have both underline and line-through for a text
  • Support the "transform" attribute for the clipPath element
  • Support the translateX, translateY, scaleX, and scaleY transformations
  • Allow to use units in transformations
  • Allow to use more than one transformation in the "transform" or "gradientTransform" attribute

Version 0.5.5

  • Fix the text elements with tspan children not having their position set if they have an x,y position
  • Support the tspan "dx" and "dy" attributes
  • Support the "clipPathUnits" attribute for clipPaths elements
  • Fix the clipPath elements only being taken into account in defs parents
  • Fix the values for coordinates parsed to a value of zero if having a pattern without an integer part (such as ".5")
  • Support the use element for basic shapes

Version 0.5.6

  • Support the use element for images and g elements
  • Support the symbol element
  • Support the "viewBox", "width", "height", and "preserveAspectRatio" attributes for the symbol element

Version 0.6

  • Support the "preserveAspectRatio" attribute for the svg root element
  • Allow to load a SVG from a String
  • Specifies a global configuration for the handling of exceptions during parsing
  • Fix a lot of problems which appeared when scaling the content at the loader level
  • Fix the position of the svg content which was not correctly translated if scaled during the loading
  • Take into account the viewport and the units in the path element
  • Take into account rotate transforms with only one parameter
  • Start support for svg animations: animateTransform, animateMotion, and animate are partially suppported

Version 0.6.1

  • Fix the browser not showing some animations correctly
  • Protect the browser against invalid SVG files
  • Fix the scale transform not working with only one argument
  • Fix the skewX and skewY transforms
  • Support the "none" color
  • Handle the cases where the viewPort position is not at 0,0
  • Add a LoaderParameter property to specify if the viewPort position is taken into account
  • Fix the gradients href parameter only been taken into account if the referenced gradient was defined before the one which referred to it
  • Fix the gradients gradientTransform parameter not taken into account in the majority of cases
  • Handle proportional coordinates for linear gradients
  • Handle width and height specified in % in the svg root

Version 1.0b1

  • Add a converter which is able to convert a JavaFX node tree to a svg file
  • Fix the transformations on nodes which were sometime wrong when using a scale in the LoaderParameters

Version 1.0b2

  • Support images embedded the svg file as base64
  • Fix the width and height of the resulting image when writing a Node which could be off by one pixel, when using a scale
  • Keep the URL or String origin of the SVG in the resulting JavaFX SVGImage

Categories: general

Copyright 2021-2022 Herve Girod. All Rights Reserved. Documentation and source under the BSD-3-Clause License