Project Details

The fxsvgImage library allows to:
  • Convert a SVG file to a JavaFX Node tree or an Image
  • Convert a JavaFX Node tree to a SVG file

Note that contrary to other existing libraries, this library has no external dependencies (including Batik).

SVG to JavaFX conversion usage

The most simple way to use the library is just by calling one of the SVGLoader.load static methods. For example:

      SVGImage img = SVGLoader.load(<my SVG file>);

The SVGImage class is a JavaFX Group.

JavaFX to svg conversion usage

You use the library by calling the SVGConverter.convert methods. For example:

      SVGConverter converter = new SVGConverter();
      converter.convert(<my javaFX root>, <my SVG file>);


Main Article: Distribution

SVG support

Main Article: SVG support

This library supports:

Built-in browser

Main Article: Browser

You can start the built-in browser by double-clicking on the fxsvgBrowser.jar jar file.


Main Article: License


Main Article: Release history

Categories: general


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Copyright 2021-2022 Herve Girod. All Rights Reserved. Documentation and source under the BSD-3-Clause License